
“I am with you always”: How I encountered God in shot put

The Lord has taught me many things throughout my nine years of being an athlete. But if I had to use one word to sum up my experience, it would be “faithful”. Growing up, my size as a...


Awaken Generation’s “Fire on the Altar”: An album of wholehearted worship

Worship and mentoring school Awaken Generation (AG) have recently released their new full-length album, Fire on the Altar. How has God been speaking to them and through their music? We chat with them...


I’m a Malaysian and I was the sound guy at Asbury University’s chapel service

I’ve been asked to talk about what’s going on right now in my university, Asbury, to hopefully shed light on the revival that’s broken out here. If you don’t know me, then my...


A Millennial walks into a room full of praying Gen Zs … and leaves full of hope

I thought I was young until I talked to someone born in 2003 … and realised that I was 30 (but still 29) this year. I remember the days when I was 20 … and when I blinked, I was suddenly...


My hero of the faith, Billy Graham

Today (Feb 21) marks the fifth anniversary of Billy Graham’s passing. To the random person, this might seem like a weird date to take special note of. For me, however, it is a very noteworthy day...


Asbury University’s ‘revival’ goes viral on TikTok, and people are travelling thousands of miles to be there

Over the past seven days and counting, people have been praying, worshipping and sharing testimonies in what has been described as an ongoing spiritual revival happening on Asbury University’s...

Church Life

I left the church, hurt—and came back again

I have only ever called one church “home”. I went to Sunday School at this church, grew into their youth group, graduated to their adult services, volunteered, became a leader, and eventually...


Tithes and offerings: Leaving behind my misconceptions

When I was young, I always thought tithes and offerings were the same. “It’s still just giving money to God,” was what I believed. But as I grew older, I began to hear different...


What went down at our first event of the year for Gen Zs

The excitement in the chapel of Bethesda Bedok-Tampines Church (BBTC) was palpable. With students bustling in the room in a flurry of different uniforms and school shirts, it was plain to see that...