
What do bunnies and eggs have to do with the Resurrection again?

Itā€™s that time of the year again, when bunnies come out of hiding and people start painting eggs. All in the name of fun, they say. Itā€™s Easter after all, and what better way to celebrate the...

Real Life, Real People

The unwilling, unlikely leader

At the age of 20, I became one of the youngest leaders in Singapore nominated to sit on the Local Church Executive Committee (LCEC), theĀ decision-making board that governs each Methodist church. I...


Is the Christian with complaints a man without faith?

Happy praise anthems dominate the repertoires of churches worldwide, usually the first song in a worship set. Take these lines written by acclaimed Christian singer-songwriter Chris Tomlin: Well I...


The paradox of Millennial “spirituality”

It’s said that we fear what we don’t understand. For Singaporean Millennials, it seems that fear has grown into avoidance, with more youthsĀ shunning religionĀ of late. The reality is...

Real Life, Real People

At 23, I had an abortion. I’ve never told anyone,Ā until now

I was about 23 years old when I was faced with the most difficult decision of my life. I wasn’t married, but I gotĀ pregnant. This was probably the worst thing that couldā€™ve happened to me...


The most reasonable fool

It’s a common misconception that excessive creative imagination breeds insanity. We think of the insane as people whose rationality has deserted them. Pop cultureĀ celebrates the brilliance of...


A toast to Biblical literacy

That photo? That’s my happy place. My first teh of the morning. I never say no to kaya toast. I’m mehĀ about the eggs, but they’re part of the package. But the real reason I’m...


Why is it so hard to make the right decisions in life?

At the age of 10 I was introduced to The Game of Life, a board game that brings players through a series of life decisions from college to retirement, with jobs, homes, marriage and even children...


Bromance is dead

Think of your three closest friends. Now think about the last time you spoke to each one of them. Next, try to recall what makes them come alive ā€“ their wildest dreams and greatest fears. If...