Church Life

Why I changed church

I am someone that others might call a church-hopper. I’m only 28, but I’ve changed church four times already. I’m writing this to tell anyone reading: Don’t make the same...

Church Life

Should you change church?

“Actually, I grew up as a Christian. I’m just exploring different churches for now,” Abigail admitted to us. It was her first time at my church; my cell group had tried to connect with...


Burnt out? More like plugged out

Burnout. You hear it so much these days. Candles burn out when there is no wax left to draw from. Fires burn out when there’s no more oxygen left to fuel the flames. Engines burn out when...


My “holiness” turned everyone off

I have been a “Christian” since my water baptism in 2009 – quotation marks intended. The early years of my faith revolved around being holy, such as by not staying out late, not drinking, not...


This is my In-dependence Day

A year ago today, I celebrated my own Independence Day. I had quit the job I loved after a whirlwind journey of four years. I was 27 years old and leaving the industry I was so sure God had designed...


When there’s my will, there’s no way

Giving up my right to live life the way I want is hard. How can I deny myself? I’ve always had a high internal locus of control – I don’t believe in letting things just happen to me. We...


Compassion without compromise

One of my friends came out to me. He said he was in a same-sex relationship. I found it a highly uncomfortable experience; it shocked me because this friend was a friend in Christ. What was worse...

Mental Health

The battle for your broken heart

‘Tis the season for broken hearts. It’s always the season. Somewhere in the world, a heart is breaking. In this very moment, someone has just been dumped, someone is struggling to come to...

Finding Purpose

Where are you going?

Kayaking is fun. I especially love the feeling of being pushed around by the waves. You’re in control, but not fully. You’re safe, but not totally. I took a kayaking course recently, and...