Church Life

Where have all my church friends gone?

Iā€™d woken up with a nagging image of my formerĀ cell group member in my head. I wondered why. I hadnā€™t heard from her or seen her around for quite a long time, come to think of it; I decided to...


God, I’m really struggling. Why are you staying silent?

The walls of Jericho fell in seven days. Maybe you’ve been walking around walls for a lot longer. Maybe you’re wondering: I thought theyā€™d have fallen by now. God doesn’t...

Real Life, Real People

I am a Pastor’s Kid: How I went from being son of my dad, to child of the Father

What is it like to be the Senior Pastorā€™s son? If I had a dollar every time someone asked me that, it would probably be a lot harder for me to enter the kingdom of God (Matthew 19:24). I wasnā€™t...


Now is the time to be present

“Wherever you are, be all there.” Jim Elliot I listen to music that takes me back to the past. I look at photos taken way back, longing to return to what we always call the good ol’...

Real Life, Real People

Why I left the faith: How the church must do better

I grew up in a church, with my parents both church leaders. Bedtime stories were Bible stories, dinner conversations were sermon lessons. I was even water baptised at the age of 14. My baptism verse...


Every word has come at a cost

I’ve always been a private person. Even in my pursuit ofĀ meaningful conversations, I avoid volunteering personal detailsĀ about my life by being the one asking the questions. The prospect of...


Make purity cool again

“Blessed are the pure in heart, for they willĀ see God.” (Matthew 5:8) I’ve always wondered what it would beĀ likeĀ to see God. IĀ wonderĀ how He looks at me, and ifĀ He likes what...


Senang diri: How I learnt to march to a better beat

Senang diri. Two words that most Singaporean men are familiar with from their time in National Service. And words I’ve come to realise I need to take to heart. Stand at ease. I’ve been...

Do Good

I dream of a HungerFree world. Do you?

Having studied Communications in college, I desired to find a job where I could strengthen my skills and use them to serve God. So when I came across a job listing for Resource Development and...