
A prayer for our youth

As part of the 40.Day season of prayer, believers in Singapore have been praying on the need to Win the Youth. At a prayer meeting held this past Friday at my church, a father – who in recent...


Rebuking: How do we correct one another with grace and love?

If you saw a blindfolded man walking straight towards the edge of a cliff, wouldn’t you immediately and desperately yell for him to stop?  In principle, this urgency should guide our response...

How-tos & Handles

How this ENFP extrovert finally learnt to slow down

I’m an ENFP with a whopping 88% on the extrovert scale (crazy!).  This means that I glean energy through social interactions and thrive on meeting people.  Consequently, I tend to pack my...


Antioch Summit: It’s time to turn the tide

Church, we have a grave and growing problem in the area of missions. At the turn of the millennium (1990-2000), Singapore was ranked by Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary as the number one...


Going the distance: 5 reflections from running a half marathon

It’s a marathon, not a sprint. You probably would have heard believers say this about our Christian faith. But do we truly know what that means? Indeed, this was one of the questions that came to...


Why does it matter whether or not Jesus was resurrected?

“And if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your faith.” (1 Corinthians 15:14) Jesus’ resurrection is fundamental to the Christian faith.  If Jesus Christ didn’t...


Come and play a game with us that’s all about missions

Missions has always been something upon my heart, even when I was in university! But back then, I had this idyllic idea of what missions was about. To me, missions was about going out into a foreign...

Church Life

As a mental health storm brews, how can the Church become a safe harbour of hope?

At last week’s Christian Mental Health Conference 2023, Samaritans of Singapore (SOS) CEO Gasper Tan spoke on trends relating to suicide statistics in Singapore, the landscape of mental health...

Church Life

The promise of new strength: Bishop Dr. Gordon Wong on hope for the weary soul

Delivering the keynote message on the first day of Christian Mental Health Conference 2023, Bishop Dr. GORDON WONG took us on a deep dive into Isaiah 40 and offered a quite different take on the...