What do you think of when you open your Bible? Is it something like, “Let’s get over and done with?” I don’t know about you, but I’ve caught myself thinking that more times than I’m...
I asked myself this question a few months back: Is it okay if I took a break from God? I was spent – emotionally, mentally. My spirit man felt dead and far from Him. I won’t go into details,...
You might be a cell group leader reading this, fretting over that Bible study you have to write by tomorrow, in time for next week. You wonder if it’s just you, or is there anyone else whose...
Upgrading our houses isn’t a foreign concept, but what about ourselves? Our traits and bad habits that recur and frustrate us are like the troubled parts of a house in need of replacement or...
There was once I was catching up with a couple of friends in Jakarta when we ended up talking about the state of poverty in Southeast Asia and the possible issues we noticed. Impassioned by the...
In a study now known as “The Gratitude Disposition“, three psychologists divided their participants into three groups with specific tasks: one group was to record only the positive...
Have you heard of the Autism Spectrum Disorder*?” David, my missions team leader, casually asked me while we were having lunch at Makassar, Indonesia, where we were on a mission trip. “Yes, I...
It’s tempting to think we can “manipulate” God into giving us something better. For example, have you ever prayed these kinds of prayers? Jesus, I have spent so much time on...
And Jesus answered them, “The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified. Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it...