
Down the trail of punishing emotions

“Aiyo, so clumsy!” “What can you do properly?” I saw the wave of sadness and anger that was about to overcome him, and I recognised it. It was obvious that those words cut deeper than it...


From dying to flying

It’s an odd and heavy feeling. It’s like I’m running. Searching frantically. For what, I don’t know. I’m not even certain if a cure exists, and I wonder if my sickness will one day consume...


"I was told I was doomed to fail": Belinda Lee’s journey from insecurity to purpose

Artiste-host Belinda Lee is no stranger to most Singaporeans. You’ve seen her on TV, at the Star Awards (where she was voted one of Mediacorp’s Top 10 Most Popular Female Artistes four...


Where are your pursuits taking you?

When I was younger, academic excellence was high on my list of priorities. I reasoned it this way – by nature that school took up the bulk of my time, the least I could do was to excel in it, the...


True rest requires solitude

We’ve earlier seen how true Sabbath rest is a function of delight, wonder and presence. Here we’ll look at the importance of solitude in our rest. Looking at the Bible, I don’t...


The gospel of fear

“If you died today, where would you go?” I was at a loss for words when first confronted with this question. I remember hurrying away in embarrassment – not because I didn’t know the answer...


What you might not know about prayer

How do we trace progress in our prayer relationship with God? An author by the name of Mark Thibodeux wrote about The Four Stages of Prayer that may give us a helpful framework to reflect on our...


How to serve each other better in church

As I spoke to friends about helping cell group leaders as they lead and serve in church, a friend reminded me that everyone in church has struggles and needs – not just those who lead or serve in...


What does justice even mean to you?

“There will always be poor people in the land. Therefore I command you to be openhanded toward your fellow Israelites who are poor and needy in your land.” (Deuteronomy 15:10-11) The first...