
Yes, Christians are hypocrites

It’s true. Call us hypocritical, bigoted, self-righteous, goody-two-shoes or egoistical all you want – I’m going to agree with you. Certainly, there have been people who claimed to be...


Why should I care about inequality?

A recent study by the Institute of Policy Studies revealed a new “social class divide” in Singapore: Those from different housing backgrounds (private housing vs HDB flats) and education...


The God of love

The greatest thing you’ll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return. (“Nature Boy”, Nat King Cole) To love and be loved. Finding your soul mate. Marrying your sweetheart....


I have such little faith

Do you remember your first plane ride? I was terrified on mine. I recall how the engines rumbled as the plane began accelerating on the runway. I remember feeling a mix of anticipation and dread in...


So I just became a father

I officially became a father in early January. Although I had already been “unofficially” initiated 9 months ago, being able to feast my eyes on my daughter when she arrived triggered something...


Don’t forget to have gratitude

Do you remember the last thing God did for you? I know that journaling isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. But if we intentionally perceive and remember what God has done in our lives, we will grow...


"So help me God": Wrestling with my calling to the Bar

I was reading Exodus 3 to Exodus 4:1-17, where God revealed His heart for the Israelites and His plan for Moses to lead them. Moses’ first words in response to that call struck me: “Who am...


A lawyer’s reflection on the City Harvest saga: The ends do not justify the means

The saga involving the leadership of City Harvest Church came to an end with the delivery of the verdict of a rare 5-judge Court of Appeal yesterday (1 February 2018). It is easily the most...


Quit giving up

Here’s my life-long problem: I find it easy to start something … But I’m terrible at following through with it. When I was still in primary school, “還珠格格” [My...