
A confession: I was not the prophet I claimed I was

I’m sorry. I was part of something that I’m now remorseful about. It took me a long time to realise the impact my words and actions had on others. Today, I lay myself bare with a humble...


3 keys to overcoming worrying

Worry is wrong thinking in the mind and wrong feelings in the heart over circumstances, situations, people and things. When Paul tells the Philippians not to worry but to instead “rejoice in the...


Are you willing to be used by God?

The author attended City Harvest Church’s Emerge Conference, a youth event held between July 13 and 15. Wu Yuzhuang, the pastor who oversees Emerge, delivered an encouraging message on a virtually...

Finding Purpose

I wanted to go into full-time ministry … but I wasn’t called

We learn from young as Singaporeans that financial security is the great goal in life. We are brought up to believe that a good job, fat bank account and a nice house will make our lives fulfilled...


Choosing the furnace

Are you drawn to fire? I sometimes catch myself staring at the candle in a restaurant, but also at the loud flames devouring paper and incense in the massive furnace across the street where I live....


A sound of sheer silence

My brother told me that he often shops for grocery alone. Shopping alone was nothing new to him. But now, it is very different. Shopping alone seems so lonely. Before, he knew his wife would be at...


Alabaster Co: Presenting the Bible to a visual generation

I first heard of Alabaster Co when one of the designers in my church shared their Kickstarter campaign on her Facebook feed. That was sometime in late 2016. A brand dedicated to redesigning the Bible...


Are you a 5% student?

Being a 5% student is one of the running jokes I have with my friends whom I serve with in church. The reason being this: We don’t spend much time in school during the term. And even when we’re...


Bishop Rennis Ponniah: Are we hungry for revival?

“There is a time to lower our banners, and to raise one banner – the banner of the Lord Jesus Christ,” declared Bishop Rennis Ponniah at the Celebration of Hope (COH) Pastors and...