Being a 5% student is one of the running jokes I have with my friends whom I serve with in church. The reason being this: We don’t spend much time in school during the term. And even when we’re...
“There is a time to lower our banners, and to raise one banner – the banner of the Lord Jesus Christ,” declared Bishop Rennis Ponniah at the Celebration of Hope (COH) Pastors and...
It’s barely 8AM and Tanah Merah Ferry Terminal is already swarming with people. We’re there to catch the second earliest boat to Sekupang, Batam, where we’ll be visiting a...
“Why don’t you try fasting from food this year?” My team asked during one of our editorial meetings. “Then you can write about it when you live to tell the tale.” It was...
More than 200,000 Singaporeans will be celebrating National Day abroad this year. Within that number, there’s a special group of people who have a job that’s beyond our imagination and...
Anxiety and depression. This article will contain pictures of pages from my journal, entries from earlier this year. I have journaled since I was a child. I journal not to capture a forever snapshot...
I have the privilege of leading a young adult cell group in my church, and it has been a very fulfilling journey with them so far. The cell is mostly made up of boys serving their National Service...
Love Then we want you to: GET INSPIRED. GET INVOLVED. GET INTO THE WORK WE DO. So if you’re in the business of writing, video production, photography, animation, coding, preaching,...
Our modern western culture, which is influenced by Greek philosophy, segregates the words “listen” and “obey” into a mental and a physical activity respectively. First, we hear, then we...