“The Father really wants His house to be full, you are not here by accident,” Abraham Yeo declared at The Father’s Heart for the Homeless, a Christian symposium on brokenness and...
Have you ever called God a liar? I certainly have. That was when I finally had enough, and decided to stop trying to look like a good and obedient Christian. For the first time, I shouted in full...
If I happen to see a scantily clad lady while walking along the street, have I sinned and lusted because I took notice of her in my mind? This was one of the questions my cell members asked a few...
I went to Palu with my church, immediately after it was struck by an earthquake and tsunami on 28 September 2018. We flew in the day after the disaster and took a 20-hour ride into Palu upon landing....
I want you to think about your lowest point in life. What do you feel when you recall the memory? Maybe you don’t want to remember it – that’s alright. My lowest point was about two years ago...
We featured Isaac in “Some save Batam: Taking the heart of Singapore beyond our shores”. I grew up in church. My mum and dad, and even grandparents were in church. But when I was 17 years...
“I was sexually abused when I was a child and that has really affected my perspective on relationships with the opposite gender.” “I’ve been rejected my whole life – my mother had me out of...
My friend came to our breakfast meeting downcast. “I’m having a hard time,” she said. “How long does it take you to forgive someone?” I stirred my tea and thought about it: “It might...
This was written by Benecia in response to her own piece, “They said my unborn baby is incompatible with life“, following the delivery of her son Elkan, who was diagnosed with acrania in...