
The false conflict between science and faith: An astrophysicist examines Genesis

Atheists and sceptics perceive Genesis as the Bible’s greatest embarrassment, the Achilles’ heel of the Christian faith. They think that science contradicts Genesis, which is the...


I wanted to break up with God

I have been struggling for the longest time. These days, when people ask me what I want to do in the future, I cringe a little when I tell them what I really want to be: A missionary. And I feel like...


How is God moving in your friendships?

“Wow, I can relate to what Jesus said about being born again spiritually, and not physically. This makes a lot of sense!” When my friend K* blurted that sentence out in the middle of January,...


Help! I’m not smart enough to teach the Bible

“But… I’m not gifted to teach the Bible!” is the common refrain against taking the step to share God’s Word with others. Yes, God has especially gifted certain men to be teachers so as to...

Mental Health

Do you need some compassion?

“Self, I forgive you.” These were precious words I learnt from a sweet lady who told me about her own practice of self-forgiveness. Every so often we come into need for compassion on ourselves....


“I promised God I would stop”: My struggle with sexual addiction

I discovered pornography when I was really young and because I didn’t know better then, it quickly developed into an almost daily habit of pornography and masturbation. It even came to a point...


Setting the slave free

Slavery is an awkward topic to broach in any Christian setting. To our modern minds, the only kind of slavery the Bible should talk about is the “spiritual” kind. Who today would want to...

Mental Health

Have you been crying?

I must confess something. I used to think that Jesus was very strange when I read that He wept upon seeing family and friends weeping over Lazarus’ death. You see, Jesus knew He was going to...


4 signs that God first loved you

Having recently read an article titled 4 signs that God isn’t your first love, it made me consider how God first loved us. God first loved us. He loved us first (1 John 4:19) and died for us...