
4 favourite traps Satan wants you to fall for

The evil one loves turning God’s children away from Him. He’s an expert in it and is constantly on the lookout for the next soul to devour. He loves to sow discord in my life, particularly...

Church Life

Why do our leaders leave?

It’s always tragic to hear stories of people who fall away from the faith. It’s even more tragic when these are anointed worship leaders, powerful speakers or full-fledged pastors. I’ve...


The can opener I never had: Making friends with the people next door

It was July 2017, and my newly wedded wife and I had just moved into our new home. Building a home was such a surreal experience. From finally learning how to keep a household in order and developing...


How to stop hypocrisy

Recently I’ve been troubled by reports from various persons about a particular Christian employer, X. While X is a leader in his church, a preacher and a workplace minister, X’s subordinates...

Finding Purpose

Why are we so caught up with the calling of God?

How do I know the call of God in my life? How do I know if God has called me into full-time ministry? People often ask me such questions about the calling of God, and I’ve come to realise that...


What has the Trinity got to do with how I live?

“Why three persons and not two?” This question came up at lunch one day when my friend and I talked about the triune, eternal nature of God as three distinct persons – Father, Son and...


The church programme that helped me to overcome my fear of outreach

Since I became a Christian, evangelising to others has felt uncomfortable and unnecessary most of the time. In fact, simply just talking about Jesus to my pre-believing friends has been something...

Do Good

The power of befriending

Can talking to a person really make their day? Since I’m the kind of person who highly treasures my personal space and me-time, my obvious answer to that would be, no. How can anyone enjoy having...

Church Life

Am I still a member of my church if I’m not “useful”?

I don’t remember the first time I played the guitar on stage, but I certainly remember the third. I was a new member of the worship team, and I was only just becoming comfortable playing on stage....