
From homeless to seat of honour: The wedding feast that clothed the needy with dignity

In a generation where grand and lavish weddings easily become the talk of the town, newlyweds Abraham Yeo, 37, and Peng Cheng Yu, 24, recently garnered attention for a refreshingly different reason....


Should guys and girls swim together?

The cell group saw some debate last week over whether guys and girls should swim together. To help us jump right in, I’ll summarise. There were two schools of thought in the discussion. The first...


5 ways to deepen your relationship with God

No relationship in our lives is more important than the one we have with our Creator and purpose-giver. But just like any other relationship, we still go through ups and downs. Some days we feel real...


“This is why Jesus told stories”: Assembly Asia’s Raphael Foo on the role of creative arts in evangelism

“The Gospel of Jesus Christ is going through a big change. Not in terms of the content, but the way it’s being presented.” Speaking on the second day of the X3 Creative conference, Raphael Foo,...


Overcoming depression: Will I ever be okay?

In Singapore, 1 in 7 people have suffered from a mental disorder in their lifetime. This is an increase compared to the 1 in 8 ratio recorded by a landmark study six years earlier.  Most of these...


5 lies that porn will tell you

When I first started dating Elaine, it was during a particularly victorious period of my life. I had been clean for a number of years already. When we were dating, there was never any urge to turn to...


We don’t need more love, just better love

“Love is real only when a person can sacrifice himself for another person. Only when a person forgets himself for the sake of another, and lives for another creature, only this kind of love can...


A second shot at life: Salt Media’s Sherman Ng on almost losing it all to a life of decadence

To a spectator on the outside, Sherman Ng has led a good life. The ex-banker who traded in his fancy cars for pastoral work to take care of his stepfather’s church, and soon after entered the...

Surveys & Reports

How do Christians compare to Singaporeans in our views towards LGBT issues?

If trends continue, the picture is clear: We, as believers in Jesus Christ, will increasingly live in a culture whose values and beliefs are at odds with those we hold. The Institute of Policy...