From young, I had always believed that all religions are the same, that doing good is all that matters. But I began to rethink everything when my best friend Adrian decided to question my beliefs....
For the first time since the pandemic began, thousands of believers gathered in-person for worship and intercession at this year’s Day of His Power (DOHP). In the past two years, the cap on...
Do you think it’s easier to share Christ to someone in your own family or to a stranger? I’ve encountered many Christians who find it difficult to talk to their family and relatives about Jesus;...
Evangelism. To encourage you in living out the Great Commission, here are five stories of ordinary believers who obeyed the call to share the Gospel. Note that “success” or...
“I really love hearing you guys talk about religion,” said one of my friends, June*, over a dinner conversation. I almost fell out of my chair in shock. June, of all people, saying that? Though...
“What is the vision of The Encounter?” This was the question God asked me sometime last October. “God, surely You know — it is for every tribe and tongue.” Every time it reached a...
A thunderous applause filled the hall after two speakers representing different generations shared their stories. Kate Cheah, 84, who went to Hong Kong in 1965, is said to be the first missionary...
With Easter long gone, Christmas so far away and no more special programmes to invite unsaved loved ones to, when was the last time you were intentional about sharing the gospel? Chances are, your...
Never had I been surrounded by a group of young people this on fire for God! It wasn’t just a fire of human zeal. It was a fire from the Holy Spirit overflowing in the hearts of each and every...