

4 years, 31 countries: The fresh grad who exchanged the safe path for a journey on the seas

Have you tried to cook fried rice for 350 people for seven hours straight? Or washed thousands of dishes? As a psychology graduate, that was what Jiamin Choo-Fong found herself doing in her first...


Daryl and Gina: A couple called to two different countries

She spent a year befriending women in the red light district of a Chinese city, hoping to be a bearer of God’s eternal light; while he served on the fringes of Thailand for four years at a shelter...


“God is always at work”: A missionary in Myanmar sheds light on the deadly crackdown

Sometimes I put off reading the news, for fear of what I might find going on around the world. Take for instance #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar. Isn’t it tiring reading bad news?  On February 1,...


At 15, I heard God say: “I am sending you to the children of Israel”

When I was 15, my cell group leader urged us to read the Bible cover to cover. Taking up the challenge, I remember being so fascinated with the rich details. What left an indelible impression on me...

Surveys & Reports

To go or not: What would it take to see more young missionaries go out to the nations?

In our coverage of last year’s National Missions Study (NMS), we asked: Where are all the young missionaries? This year, a new missions study by Singapore Centre for Global Missions (SCGM)...


Full-time under 30: A passion for dance and missions brought us together

I was only 20 years old, and it happened when I was in Perth doing a Performing Arts Discipleship Training School (DTS) with Youth With A Mission (YWAM). The focus of the week’s teaching was...


#HACK2020: How can tech and talent transform the world?

I never wanted to do missions. There, I said it. Doing missions, I assumed, was something you really went out of your comfort zone for and dedicated your life to, moving into unfamiliar countries and...


How one man followed the call of God… all the way to Africa

Leonard Ong would never have guessed that a relaxing evening spent watching a fishing programme would eventually lead to an extraordinary journey into the heart of Africa. But when God calls, you...

Real Life, Real People

I never thought I’d be working full-time in a Bible translation ministry

In 2018, I decided to quit my job in the education sector to study in a seminary because I desired to serve him in full-time ministry. After graduating in 2019, I wanted to explore serving in church...