Have you tried to cook fried rice for 350 people for seven hours straight? Or washed thousands of dishes? As a psychology graduate, that was what Jiamin Choo-Fong found herself doing in her first...
She spent a year befriending women in the red light district of a Chinese city, hoping to be a bearer of God’s eternal light; while he served on the fringes of Thailand for four years at a shelter...
Sometimes I put off reading the news, for fear of what I might find going on around the world. Take for instance #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar. Isn’t it tiring reading bad news? On February 1,...
When I was 15, my cell group leader urged us to read the Bible cover to cover. Taking up the challenge, I remember being so fascinated with the rich details. What left an indelible impression on me...
In our coverage of last year’s National Missions Study (NMS), we asked: Where are all the young missionaries? This year, a new missions study by Singapore Centre for Global Missions (SCGM)...
I was only 20 years old, and it happened when I was in Perth doing a Performing Arts Discipleship Training School (DTS) with Youth With A Mission (YWAM). The focus of the week’s teaching was...
I never wanted to do missions. There, I said it. Doing missions, I assumed, was something you really went out of your comfort zone for and dedicated your life to, moving into unfamiliar countries and...
Leonard Ong would never have guessed that a relaxing evening spent watching a fishing programme would eventually lead to an extraordinary journey into the heart of Africa. But when God calls, you...
In 2018, I decided to quit my job in the education sector to study in a seminary because I desired to serve him in full-time ministry. After graduating in 2019, I wanted to explore serving in church...