
Finding Purpose

“Our past will never be wasted”: What God can do with your willingness

He was 27 when he first joined the Operation Mobilisation (OM) ship Doulos to set sail to the Philippines. Known as the largest floating library in the world at that time, the ship ended up being the...


Home missions: What are they and how to do them

One disruption local churches faced as a result of the pandemic? Overseas mission trip cancellations when Singapore closed its borders. As a result, many churches pivoted to home missions. But what...


Yes, you can serve in missions through singlehood and marriage

In evangelical faith missions, it appears that 80 per cent of all single missionaries are women. Singleness is a hurdle that causes many young people to think twice about joining missions. So why...


Courage Calls: 5 things we learnt about suffering in missions

“Courage isn’t about not being afraid. It’s about doing the right things even if you’re afraid.” This memorable quote by Fayez*, an Egyptian missions leader with more than 25 years of...


What does an escape room have to do with a riverboat sailing through Europe?

You’ve heard of escape rooms or maybe even been to one before, but have you seen an escape room on a boat? Riding on the popularity of the game that was still fairly new in Europe at that time,...


Living on a ship with 2 kids: The joy of serving together as a family

At just 41 years old, Willy Ong is the Executive Director of Operation Mobilisation (OM) Singapore.  But as Willy himself would tell you, this journey simply started with a search for the meaning of...


Exploring the new frontier: How we started going on digital mission trips

It was February 2020 and Joeyee* had her luggage packed, ready to spend the next one-and-a-half years in Thailand doing mission work.   Her flight ticket was bought and she had said her goodbyes to...

Do Good

Faced with a refugee crisis, she wondered: “What difference can I make?”

You might remember the heart-wrenching photo of a young Syrian boy whose body was found on a beach after a failed attempt to reach Greece.  Billed as the year of the Europe’s refugee crisis,...


#HACK2021: From disruption to digital missions

“The world may be in lockdown, but the Gospel is not.”  That was our pitch for #HACK2020, but it still holds true today. The missional objective of the Church to make disciples of all nations...