

Remembering Dad: Olivia and Ashley Chean’s eulogies

OLIVIA CHEAN If there’s anything that I’ve learned over the past five days, it’s how much I don’t know about my dad. He wore many hats. He was the National Director of Youth With A Mission...


Joseph Chean’s wake and funeral services to be held 21-23 November 2023

Joseph Chean, the Strategic Coordinator for the Antioch 21 missions mobilisation organisation and the former National Director for Youth With A Mission Singapore, was called home to the Lord on 15...


Joseph Chean: The missions man who was many things but most of all, a friend

Joseph Chean – known for his lifelong passion for missions – passed away, aged 56, following a road accident in Istanbul on Wednesday, November 15, 2023. ROY TAY reflects on the life and legacy...


Joseph Chean: Remembering the missions maverick who lived for the Kingdom

Joseph Chean – known for his lifelong passion for missions – passed away, aged 56, following a road accident in Istanbul on Wednesday, November 15, 2023. The following extract is how co-labourer...


Joseph Chean, passionate advocate for missions, called home to be with the Lord

Joseph Chean – known for his lifelong passion for missions – has passed away, aged 56, following a road accident in Istanbul on Wednesday, November 15, 2023. He went the way he lived his life,...


Is missions still important today? Why should I get involved?

On the second morning of #AntiochSummit, we heard from Dr. DESMOND SOH, senior pastor of Bethany Evangelical Free Church and formerly an associate professor of Homiletics and Intercultural Studies at...


The Decade of Missions has been launched, here’s your role to play

Last week, the Antioch Summit held by Antioch21 gathered more than 800 pastors, missionaries and believers from over 100 churches and 20 missions agencies for the sake of one thing — the Great...


Pregnant in the first trimester, this young family chose to relocate to Japan for missions

JONATHAN ANG (34) and CHERYL CHUNG (33) first met in the youth ministry of Victory Family Centre (VFC) before eventually getting married and starting a family. While pregnant with their first child,...


Antioch Summit: It’s time to turn the tide

Church, we have a grave and growing problem in the area of missions. At the turn of the millennium (1990-2000), Singapore was ranked by Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary as the number one...