“How do we engage the millennials on missions?” Joseph Chean asked me. I was sitting in a room full of executive directors from various agencies including Cru, WEC and Pioneers...
Previously a doctor in a private hospital, Josiah recently left the marketplace to serve as a ministry apprentice in his church. While his main focus is the missions portfolio, he also handles the...
Last week, the Nepalese government announced to the world that evangelism and Christian conversion in Nepal is now illegal. No one should profess his religion to another. No one should convert to...
I never paid much attention in the only computing class I took back in university – a compulsory module that required us to learn how to code on Microsoft Excel. Possibly the only reason I passed...
How can technology be employed to address the increase in suicides among the young? What could be some creative digital pathways and opportunities that might help stop people from taking their lives?...
Up till five years ago, I was cynical on the purpose of mission trips. I knew it was a commandment in Scripture that spanned as far back as the account of Jonah in the Old Testament, and was even...
I recall having “Missions Month” in Sunday School as a child. Each week’s Sunday School lesson included a brief exposure to a different culture, followed by the constraints the people...
China. A country which three-quarters of Singaporeans have blood links to. I’m a third-generation Chinese immigrant. My grandfather on my mother’s side was the first to make the long trip...
Think of a missionary and your vision will probably be along the lines of: Someone who leaves behind his job, family and comfortable lifestyle to travel around to world, usually to some remote...