Do Good


A culture of blessing

I was scrolling through Facebook recently when I saw a remarkable video. The video was about what it means to honour others. It made me think of our culture, and how we can do a lot more to bless...


I went from conference attendee to Africa missionary

Six years ago, I watched a video which changed my life. Attending the 2012 Kingdom Invasion Conference, the video I watched was about Heidi Baker’s IRIS ministry in Pemba, Mozambique. It...


Our purpose is His pleasure

Do you regret something bad that you did or said recently? What would even make your list of “bad things?” I don’t suppose our lists look the same – everyone holds themselves to...


Why am I always tired in ministry?

I’ve been thinking about this question for quite some time now. There are the occasional gaps of time that allow for some breathing room, but I inevitably feel spent. A couple of days ago, I...


Missions under 30: I’m a millennial and I’m not bored

I wonder how many people think that millennials are bored in church? Or unwilling to go on mission trips? Think of us as spoilt or fragile, but don’t write us off just yet. I’m a millennial and...


Why would a Father do that to His Son?

What hinders the next generation from heading out into the mission field? That’s the one question that’s been on my mind for several months now. And from the many conversations I had, as...


Drops of Life 2018: A week before Good Friday, another man gave his blood in my place

“You’ve never given blood before?” My editor looked at me incredulously. More specifically: “You’ve never given blood before and you want to encourage people to give...


My struggle with becoming a full-time missionary

“Lord, please don’t ever call me to be a missionary!” This was my plea after my first mission trip as an 18-year-old onboard Operation Mobilisation’s (OM) ship Doulos. It had been an...


“Have the right finish line in mind”: Ed Silvoso reviews Singapore’s Antioch call to transform nations

Very often, the work of the church stays in the church. It’s a massive tragedy, said Ed Silvoso, who brought a powerful message of discipling the nations through the marketplace to Kingdom Invasion...