Do Good

Do Good

How a short trip to Mongolia changed my perspective on life

“Impactful” is the one word that represents what my trip to Mongolia meant to me.  I’ve seen the stories about poverty. I have heard people share that such “exposure” trips...


What will it actually take to change your life this year?

We’ve stepped into another new year, but is this one truly going to be any different? Many of us have things that we want to leave behind in 2024. We hope to get rid of certain fears,...


Wanna be a good neighbour? Practise these 4 Ms to bless your community

What does it mean to be a good neighbour? The word “neighbour” is often used in the Bible, especially in passages relating to how we should treat other people around us. In the Old Testament,...

Money Matters

How can I be generous when I don’t have a lot?

Recently, when I was chatting with a friend over dinner, he asked, “What do you do when you don’t have enough for the month?” I shrugged, and almost instantly said, “I don’t know. I guess...

National Service

What I learnt as a frontliner in the Singapore Civil Defence Force

If you asked me what I’d be doing with my life in my 20s, I had never imagined myself ever saying: “I want to protect and save lives as a frontliner.” Yet, I found that this is...


Have these 3 things in your life, and your faith won’t lose momentum

Over the National Day season, many of our churches had block pastoring or community weekends, where we spent time serving and connecting with our neighbours. On August 8 and 9, we even gathered for...


The would-be MOE principal who started a school in Timor-Leste

As LoveTimor marks 20 years of ministry this year, we’re shining a light on Singaporean missionaries who are shining God’s light in the land of Timor-Leste. DAVID CHAN (49), founder and...

Real Life, Real People

Labelled “hopeless” and “incorrigible”, these young men broke free from crime and drugs

Organised by local halfway house The New Charis Mission (TNCM), the Unlabelled Run is an annual 5km fun run and 10km competitive run that advocates for the removal of prejudicial labels in our...


Isaac Ong: You are not the main event

I’m a full believer in change. I’m a full believer in going to the nations and doing all the things that God has called us to. I believe that God doesn’t just want to do things...