

The heart of worship: More than a song

When the music fades All is stripped away And I simply come When we ask, “How was the worship?”, we usually mean, “How was the music?” But worship isn’t just about the music. Music is just...

Church Life

Dude, the church needs you

“5 more, bro!” my spotter yells at me as I lay on the bench, eyes bloodshot, blood pumped with adrenaline, and clothes drenched. “UP, UP, UP!” The final rep grinds to completion, and the bar...


All who are thirsty

Everyone thirsts. It is that deep, raw, sometimes torturous feeling of being parched; a pain so central to the human experience that no man is excused from it. It has become so commonplace that I’m...


I’ve got cats and dogs – but I’m the one who refuses to be tamed

As I was about to leave the house for dinner, I heard the distinct meow of my cat – from the drain outside my house. I shone my phone’s flashlight into the drain but saw nothing. After some time...


Worshipping when I don’t feel like it

You are worthy of it all. Another church service, another worship song. Everyone around me was singing, eyes closed, hands raised. I tried to do the same, but I just couldn’t seem to bring myself...

Money Matters

Confessions of a pok kai student: How I learnt to stop fighting the tithe

Tithe, said my cell leader. My reaction: Why? I’m just a student – a poor one, to boot. To my mind, tithing only starts when I first draw an income. To give as a student was not only something I...


Recommended holiday reading

Welcome to the holidays. I feel for the children of today. For most of the year, you’re so bogged down with homework, projects, tuition, and CCAs that when you’re finally allowed off the hamster...


The problem with fairy tale endings

I had never heard of “Eddie the Eagle”, never knew an Olympian with this nickname existed. But when I saw the poster of the film starring Hugh Jackman — who is an absolute class act — I knew...


It’s okay to be busy

It happens, but we know it shouldn’t. The demands of life, work, relationships, church and ministry spiralling into a messy fight against the clock and our exhausted bodies. Deadlines to meet....