

In ministry, learn to hold loosely to whatever you create

Having served in my church’s performing arts ministry for just over three years, the single most important lesson I’ve learnt so far can be summed up in a few words my pastor shared...


"Here I am, send me": Answering the call at FOPx

I struggled with keeping my faith in NS. Although I was growing in my relationship with God, people all around me couldn’t understand why I liked to pray for the sick and hurting. They assumed...


I shouldn’t be this weary, but I am

I had recently become very tired in a season of back-to-back commitments and events. I was daily labouring for good things, with a heart in the right place, but it had gotten to a point where I was...


Texas shooting: Why does this keep happening, God?

The Lord said to Ananias, “Go over to Straight Street, to the house of Judas. When you get there, ask for a man from Tarsus named Saul. He is praying to me right now. I have shown him a vision of a...


When doing Quiet Time is boring

What does your attitude and approach to your personal Bible study reveal about you and what you expect of Jesus? This was a very thought provoking question from my BSF study this season, where I...


Limping through dark valleys

A friend who was struggling with the idea of God once asked me: If you base your whole life on what God wants and what He says, doesn’t that limit your life? Or if you use His sovereignty to...


Why bother with baptism?

Ah, water baptism. To some, it’s a natural decision to publicly declare that you have decided to follow Jesus. To others, it’s as big a step as marriage. At least I’ve heard of a...


How long will you keep running?

I recently watched a stage production called Ex-Factor by Boys Town Youthreach, an organisation that serves at-risk youth. For the performers on the stage, the play was a platform for them to share...


Tired and looking for strength? Read this

Every Friday morning, I attend a Bible study led by our Senior Pastor (SP). A lot of times, the principles he shares with us are the same ones he’s been preaching for decades. And frankly...