

Dragons in the Bible

Seen the dragon décor in Chinatown for Chinese New Year recently? One look, and one would immediately understand the hilarious uproar the dragon caused online. But while this Shrek-like dragon may...


Is it so wrong to gamble during Chinese New Year?

No one would argue that casual gambling is commonplace in many Chinese New Year (CNY) gatherings. In my personal experience, I’ve seen how it brings people together. But over the years, I have...


Sunday School isn’t about babysitting: Children’s pastors on what raising generations requires

At the LoveSingapore Pastors’ Prayer Summit 2024, a special panel discussion was held on the state of children’s ministry in Singapore. Led by Senior Pastor Daniel Wee (Church of our...


The Thirst Collective reads… Genesis

Through 2024, every member of the Thirst Collective – Thir.st, Salt&Light, Stories of Hope, 还好吗 hhm.sg, Living Room, Collective Studio – has committed to reading the Bible from cover to...


Pastor Benny Ho: 8 best practices to keep fresh in ministry

As ministers of God, we are all called to “never be lacking in zeal” and to “keep our spiritual fervour serving the Lord” (Romans 12:11). The word “slothful” in Greek is okneros. It means...


Is tithing actually necessary?

A dollar coin. That was what my parents used to pass to my brother and me before they dropped us off for our children’s service. It was a weekly ritual: My hand would already be stretched to the...


Cain and Abel: Pride and other pitfalls

Following on from the Fall, the story of Cain and Abel follows the growing trail of sin and shows us humanity’s capacity for hatred and evil. It can be easy to overlook the many rich takeaways...


POP MART: Are your eyes wide open about blind boxes?

For some, money can buy happiness. Have you ever heard of Pop Mart? Starting out from a toy store in Beijing in 2010, Pop Mart now has more than 300 outlets and 2,000 vending machines across the...


5 verses for hope

Three days into the year, how is the hope within your heart? Is there hope within you? There must be, because hope is essential to the human soul. Hope influences our perspective, colouring our world...