

How does discipleship work?

Disciple. There are multiple times in the Bible where this word is mentioned. But what is the essential meaning of the word “disciple”? Quite simply, a disciple is a disciplined...


Are you willing to be used by God?

The author attended City Harvest Church’s Emerge Conference, a youth event held between July 13 and 15. Wu Yuzhuang, the pastor who oversees Emerge, delivered an encouraging message on a virtually...


I’m a female leader and my cell group is full of NS boys

I have the privilege of leading a young adult cell group in my church, and it has been a very fulfilling journey with them so far. The cell is mostly made up of boys serving their National Service...


When you don’t understand the plan

Two men were discussing politics after a controversial death in the capital. They were upset because things hadn’t gone the way they had hoped. They had long believed this man would be the one...


Are we striving or thriving in our journey of discipleship?

I realise that I am asking a hard question to all of us as a body of Christ. Deep inside our hearts we want to make disciples of all nations as our Lord Jesus has given us the command in Matthew...


A letter to my 25-year-old self

In this season of prayer and fasting, there’s been a lot of death around me. All these encounters with the brevity of life have made me reflect on what it means to make my life count: Not for...


What am I worth if I’ve failed as a leader?

I’ve been there, on both sides of the fence. On the receiving end of scrutiny and on the giving end of judgement. Everyone has a model of what leadership means to them. And we’re never short of...


Heart of hearing

Over the last couple of weeks, there were several things that deeply concerned me about God’s people. These are not new problems, but somehow, I sense the Holy Spirit placing an urgent emphasis on...


Lessons on discipleship from a little dog

Over a recent public holiday, I hung out with a few good friends at one of our homes. There, I met my friend’s new dog, Taurus, an adorable mongrel who’s painfully shy. As we spent some...