I love Psalm 91. I memorised it when I was a youth and quoted it often as a prayer then. In this psalm, the psalmist declares God to be his refuge and fortress, and he looks to God as: the one who...
As we approach the second Sunday of Lent, it is useful for us to draw some thoughts from Jesus’ temptation by Satan, at the end of the 40 days he spent in the wilderness without food and drink...
Now you must realise that there are three ways we neglect something. We neglect something by not doing it. We neglect something when we stop doing it. We neglect something when we do it wrongly. I...
What is discipleship really all about? The simplest answer is it’s really all about following Jesus. In Matthew 4:19, Jesus said to His disciples, who were fishermen: “Follow me, and I...
More than a year after the Celebration of Hope (COH) was first announced publicly, over 200 church and ministry leaders gathered at St Andrew’s Cathedral (SAC) yesterday to give thanks for the...
Maybe your Church is running worship services this weekend, and you’re not happy about it. Is that really the wisest decision at such a time? Or maybe your Church isn’t running services,...
TIMOTHY WEERASEKERA, CORNERSTONE COMMUNITY CHURCH “The future is watching” My fellow Singaporeans, we’ve done this before. Some of us were just students when this happened last....
“It’s not a matter of if, but when.’’ A friend of mine had recently taken a screen shot of that quote from the Netflix series Pandemic: How to Prevent an Outbreak and uploaded it...
Fan fiction. Not everyone would be proud to say that they read them. Most of us have it as a little secret, a guilty pleasure. Why fanfics? To escape reality. When real-life celebrities or characters...