

Facing down the doubts of my faith

When I was 16, my classmate who was an atheist shared a post which appeared on my social media feed. The post said that according to the Bible, one was not allowed to eat pork and shellfish...


As a baker, I’ve learnt 3 things about life from making bread

Remember 2020, when all anyone posted on their Instagram stories were photoshoots of their freshly baked loaves? I was one of them who caught the bread baking bug. And with sourdough starters and...


What’s the secret behind making a cell group work?

I don’t know about you, but I have been in cell groups where I honestly didn’t feel close to anyone. In better cases, I felt connected to the individuals in my group, but we were still...


Wanna obey God? Your safety isn’t guaranteed

You’ve probably heard this phrase: “The safest place to be is in God’s will.” No, it’s not.  The safest place to be is probably on the couch in your living room minding your own...


This Easter, we can begin again

We all love a good beginning. No one likes to have a bad start. During this Easter season when we commemorate what Christ has accomplished for us, we remember what happened before that Good Friday...


This beautiful coffee table book tells you who Jesus is in 21 ways

Who is Jesus is a new book by The Project J that aims to show readers 21 qualities of Jesus Christ in an accessible and personal way. We sat down with its editor Shawn Wong for his heart and story...


What makes a Christian a Christian?

How does a Christian look like? Can you recognise them? From appearance alone, some may look like John the Baptist. John lived in the wilderness, and his food and clothes were rough and...


How to walk in God’s promises and wait for them

Growing up in the Christian faith, I wouldn’t say I’m unfamiliar with the promises of God. We sing about them, hear them being preached, and even pray about them countless times. To me, the...


“Living a life that I couldn’t have conjured up on my own”: The story behind Ponder and Bind

I am turning 32 next month, and quite honestly life did not turn out the way I imagined. I do not hold what most call a “proper job”. All the visions I had for my life throughout my teenage and...