For the first time ever, various houses of prayer throughout Asia came together both physically and virtually for the inaugural One Thing Gathering, hosted by Riverlife Church and Kingdom Community...
Have you ever criticised your church? Recently, a good number of my brothers and sisters-in-Christ — people who are close to me — are beginning to have their doubts about their churches on a...
“If you suffer as a Christian, do not be ashamed, but praise God that you bear that name.” (1 Peter 4:16) Around the world, many Christians are being persecuted for their faith in Jesus Christ....
In Chapter 10 of the Book of Numbers, the Israelites were off to a great start journeying into the wilderness. However, by the start of Chapter 11, they began to complain and “the fire of the Lord...
Last week, I found myself Googling: “What is FOPx Worship Night?” Some quick research and one promotional video later, I came to this conclusion: A youth-focused, open-air, outdoor worship...
A quick search on the internet will show that most dictionaries define “concert” as a public musical performance. According to this definition, worship can be considered as a type of a...
Joshua served as Moses’ assistant for 40 years (Numbers 11:28). 40 years. One of Israel’s greatest military leaders, conqueror of the Amalekites – an assistant! Most people wouldn’t...
The team had all of two weeks to prepare. St Andrew’s Cathedral, right smack in the heart of the city, had suddenly opened up to host this year’s FOPx Worship Night, which took place last...
Do you feel like your flame’s about to go out? God’s sparks must land on the tinder of our hearts. When the little flame is fanned long enough, it becomes a force to be reckoned with: No...