Church Life

Church Life

3 ways cell leaders can inflict hurt

After becoming a cell leader, I’ve come to understand just how tough it is. It requires you to be a friend, a mentor, a shepherd, a listener, an advisor… all while balancing administrative...


My journey from megachurch to modest church

As the darkened stage gave way to flashing lights and rousing music, the worship band emerged, urging the congregation to stand up to worship Jesus. People rose to their feet, clapping and dancing...


What worship does to us

Every Christian knows the importance of worship, whether personal or corporate, and how important it is to give God that personal quiet time to just love on Him. Worship can and should be a...


What do courage and vulnerability look like in the Church?

People often see vulnerability – letting your authentic self and your raw emotions be seen – as weakness. Showing you’ve got everything together, on the other hand, is somehow equated to...


Francis Chan: Church, let’s stop fighting

Can the Church please unite? But… unite for what? There’s just something about the concept of a Church in unity, isn’t it? And perhaps rightly so. After all, in his final week on...


FOPx Worship Night 2019: This is not Christian Coachella

I believe there’s extreme power when an entire generation comes together – regardless of denomination, youth ministry or background – and are desperate to seek the face of God. So naturally...


FOPx Worship Night 2019: Celebrating in the heart of the city

Whenever I step into an FOPx gathering, there’s a certain energy that hangs in the air. Whether the youth are jumping with arms up in worship or huddled in groups to pray – as I had found...

Finding Purpose

Full-time under 30: Help! I did not expect ministry to look like this

First things first, I don’t profess to know everything, and experiences definitely vary between individuals. I find it terribly challenging to pen these thoughts down as I still consider myself...


Passion Week: It’s more than just bread and wine

It’s the part of the worship service that excites the kids. As the trays of Ribena and wafer get passed around, their eyes light up and their little hands eagerly await their share. In my church,...