
Whether you’re thirsty or hungry, take a seat at the table and receive these beautiful truths from God’s Word, verse by verse.


Advent Devotional Day 13: I Am

The religious leaders could not believe that Jesus – who was “not yet fifty years old” – had seen Abraham and knew he would rejoice at Jesus’ coming. These words “I am” go back to...


Advent Devotional Day 12: Son of Man

How do you usually introduce yourself? Apparently Jesus’ favourite title for Himself was “Son of Man”, which is mentioned some 80 times in the New Testament.  With a reference like...


Advent Devotional Day 11: Lamb of God

It’s hard to imagine what the Israelites had to go through to atone for their sins under the old sacrificial system.  Why should an animal have to be regularly offered on the altar for the wrongs...


Advent Devotional Day 10: The Word

How many of us can claim to have seen God? John, the writer of this gospel, wanted us to know that Jesus reveals God. Unlike people of the past, we don’t have to rely on prophets to hear from God....


Advent Devotional Day 9: Saviour

Good things must share, right?  But why is it that many of us find it hard — or unnatural — to share about the saving work that Jesus has done in our lives? It’s supposed to be GOOD news that...


Advent Devotional Day 8: Son of God

Here is a truth we may have well taken for granted over the years: Jesus is the Son of God. For our sakes, and because of His love for us, God the Father did not spare His own Son from the Cross....


Advent Devotional Day 7: Bridegroom

The biblical metaphor of Jesus as a bridegroom points to His sacrificial love for His bride, the Church. Indeed, we celebrate Christmas because Jesus came to be with mankind and save us. Truly, it is...


Advent Devotional Day 6: Redeemer

The word “redeem” carries these meanings: to buy back, to regain possession of. So what did Jesus come to redeem?  When we did not know God, we were slaves to our sinful nature. But when the...


Advent Devotional Day 5: Man of Sorrows

As followers of Christ, God doesn’t promise a life void of suffering. But He does promise a Saviour who understands.  You, too, might feel like a man (or woman) of sorrows. But that doesn’t mean...