
Whether you’re thirsty or hungry, take a seat at the table and receive these beautiful truths from God’s Word, verse by verse.


Advent Devotional Day 21: Mediator

If there is one mediator that is needed to bring two people together, why were they separated in the first place?  The answer can be contained in a word: sin.  In the presence of a holy God, none...


Lessons from FIFA World Cup 2022: Listen to the coach

Anyone who knows me would probably know that I’m an avid World Cup fan. I’m the extremely enthusiastic type who will buy merchandise from multiple teams and stay up the entire night just to watch...


Advent Devotional Day 20: True Vine

We all want fruitful lives, but how to achieve fruitfulness and what fruitfulness means will vary based on who you ask. A fruitful life is not achieved by adding on Jesus as if He were some special...


Advent Devotional Day 19: Way, Truth, Life

“Your truth is not my truth.”  In this day and age, it’s not quite popular to say you have the monopoly on truth. The same can be said about exclusivity.  If Jesus’ words were hard to...


Advent Devotional Day 18: Resurrection and Life

As Lazarus lay dead in the tomb, Jesus spoke to Martha who affirmed that Lazarus would be resurrected “at the last day”. Her answer wasn’t enough. Jesus challenged the faith of Martha – who...


Advent Devotional Day 17: Good Shepherd

A leader is someone willing to take risks and even make sacrifices for the good of those he or she leads. Jesus went far beyond that, to the extent of laying down His own life for us. Sacrificial...


Advent Devotional Day 16: The Gate

Did you know that in some sheep pens of old, the shepherd would lie across the opening at night, so that the sheep would be safe while he slept? But in this famous speech, Jesus doesn’t just...


Advent Devotional Day 15: Bread of Life

Eating and drinking are some of our most basic physical needs. It’s why workers prize the “iron rice bowl” — provision that cannot be taken away. Singapore’s hectic culture can create a...


Advent Devotional Day 14: Light of the World

What does a world without Jesus look like? Darkness. Despair. Decay. Death. But the moment Jesus came to us, darkness’ days were numbered. Because of Jesus and His work on the cross, we can trade...