
Real Life, Real People

Putting real faces on Christianity: 4 young adults start safe space on Instagram

“I’ve always thought Christians were very prim and proper, and their lives were smooth sailing,” began Shermaine Law, a 22-year-old marketing student at Singapore University of...

Church Life

If we can’t meet anymore, how do we do cell groups online?

Over the last one week, many churches have made the decision to suspend or decentralise services. In fact, it was announced yesterday that two huge Protestant denominations – Anglicans and...


Digital discipleship: 3 ways to take the gospel online

In light of recent developments, the way we do church will have to evolve. And I don’t mean scaling back our ministries, because the gospel is more relevant than ever in these dark times. On...


Confessions of a Nintendo Switch addict

I was recently listening to a sermon by a friend, and part of it included his sharing on how he finally gave up his computer game addiction by packing his whole PC into a box. I was also going to...


At 22, I fear about the dangers that my generation faces

I first fell for porn at 11 years old. A few classmates started talking about it after we had sex education classes. Out of curiosity, I searched for it myself. Then I got hooked. I stole a look at...


The #AgeChallenge: Who will you look like in 50 years?

In the past few days, my social media feeds have been filled with pictures of my friends looking 40-50 years older, with the hashtag #AgeChallenge or #FaceAppChallenge. The #AgeChallenge involves...


Should I fast from social media?

I have a crazy relationship with social media. It’s a lot of fun for someone who appreciates aesthetics. Filter presets, newsfeed curation and options for beautiful Instagram story layouts are...


How my team and I won Apex Legends

You might have heard of this famous African proverb: “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” I found this to be true in Apex Legends, a free-to-play game...


Reflections on Skyrim: I didn’t make my lives count

Skyrim (2011) is a video game from the Elder Scrolls video game series that originated in the nineties. The player learns that he or she is the chosen one, prophesied to defeat Alduin the...