
Live fast, die young

Is there more to life than this? A big question, which most of us have probably asked at some point. But in this age of hyper-connectivity, it’s almost impossible to create space to find the...


Are you burnt out, bored, and barely rested?

When I started work earlier this year, I struggled with the long hours and intense work. Having been a student pretty much all my life, adjusting to the transition of adulthood was – and still is...


I was starting to think I wasn’t cut out for church

I asked myself this question a few months back: Is it okay if I took a break from God? I was spent – emotionally, mentally. My spirit man felt dead and far from Him. I won’t go into details,...


Reminder: Your self is due for an upgrade

Upgrading our houses isn’t a foreign concept, but what about ourselves? Our traits and bad habits that recur and frustrate us are like the troubled parts of a house in need of replacement or...


The lies we believe about poverty

There was once I was catching up with a couple of friends in Jakarta when we ended up talking about the state of poverty in Southeast Asia and the possible issues we noticed. Impassioned by the...


Grappling with gratitude: How to spice thanks up

In a study now known as “The Gratitude Disposition“, three psychologists divided their participants into three groups with specific tasks: one group was to record only the positive...


Lessons on womanhood from my mother

I’m at a time in my life where I’m figuring out for myself what it means to be a woman — and one who is after God’s heart. Topics like being a girlfriend and eventually becoming...


There must be more: What do you live for?

Shuffling up the grotty stairwell of People’s Park Complex, I had no precedent of what to expect. I only carried an open mind and a seeking heart. Gently opening the last door to my destination,...


Full-time under 30: This is also the real world

Christopher Chng is a 27-year-old Youth Worker at a local Methodist Church. Prior to his entry into full-time ministry, he was part of a discipleship training programme with missions organisation...