I love clubbing. As a person who loves music and dancing, you can literally find me grooving everywhere – when I’m driving, in the shower or even grocery shopping, I’m ready to bust out my...
How did you get started in the worship ministry? I ask myself that same question (laughs). I grew up in church; my dad is a pastor. So I always grew up around church music. But I think what has...
During my teenage years, I struggled with a huge sense of hopelessness because of the disparity between my expectations of where I thought I would be and where I actually was. I was struggling to get...
Remember when “like” was just a word that denoted preference? From food and TV shows, to people and activities… we were all unique combinations of likes and dislikes, that is, until...
You might find yourself possessing strong feelings about topics such as racial discrimination, abortion, same-sex attraction, systemic poverty, modern slavery and sex trafficking – and that’s...
“I’m going for breast removal surgery.” My heart stopped. I tried to read the following messages to see if anyone else in the group chat was fazed by my friend’s announcement. No sign of...
Before graduation, “adulting” was a term that used to stand for anything and everything that I didn’t need to do as a student. To my great surprise, I discovered that everyone in and...
What comes to your mind when I say salt? Most of us would think of kitchen salt, salt that you sprinkle lightly over food. But is that what Jesus had in his mind when he called us the salt of the...
By the time I turn 30 this year, I would have danced for more than half of my life. But I did not take the traditional ballet route followed by many professional dancers; I found myself drawn to the...