
What does it mean to be a Proverbs 31 woman?

First, let’s remember that Proverbs 31 is something of a conversation between a mother and her son; King Lemuel’s mother was speaking to him about the qualities of a virtuous wife.  But...


It’s concert fever in Singapore… but are we swiftly losing control?

Lately, whenever I open up Instagram, I feel as if I have been transported to the National Stadium. Story after story of flashing lights fill my feed as I patiently wait for my turn to be the one...


4 green flags everyone would want to have

Since we’ve taken a look at red flags this week, let’s also examine some green flags – positive traits we would love to grow in our own lives (and see in a prospective...


Dragons in the Bible

Seen the dragon décor in Chinatown for Chinese New Year recently? One look, and one would immediately understand the hilarious uproar the dragon caused online. But while this Shrek-like dragon may...


Is it so wrong to gamble during Chinese New Year?

No one would argue that casual gambling is commonplace in many Chinese New Year (CNY) gatherings. In my personal experience, I’ve seen how it brings people together. But over the years, I have...


POP MART: Are your eyes wide open about blind boxes?

For some, money can buy happiness. Have you ever heard of Pop Mart? Starting out from a toy store in Beijing in 2010, Pop Mart now has more than 300 outlets and 2,000 vending machines across the...

Finding Purpose

Christian and Athlete: Can they co-exist?

Many Christian athletes wonder if they can pursue sport while still having a strong faith. Shawn, a national athlete turned coach, was one of them struggling to reconcile his faith with his sporting...


Spotify Wrapped: Fun and harmless insights or an insidious trend?

“Wrapped or it didn’t happen.” This is the tagline for this year’s Spotify Wrapped. First launched in 2016, Spotify Wrapped is a year-in-review customised for Spotify users based on their...


What does the ideal society look like?

When it comes to just how different societies on earth function, it is sadly evident that they are all very far from ideal. This is due to our sin and unrighteousness (Romans 3:10-12) Indeed, in our...