
When temptation comes, do a Joseph!

In church, we almost never talk about the fact that God created us as sexual beings (Genesis 1:27-28 and 2:24-25). We are relational beings just like God – and we relate in many ways, including our...


Hear Tim Keller out as he airs an unpopular, counter-cultural view of sex

If you follow Tim Keller on Facebook, you’ll know he is wont to share thought-provoking reflections which often range from cryptic to soul-provoking. Last week, a recent one-liner by the...


Minari: In the fumbling search for Eden, lessons on family and failure

WARNING: SPOILERS ABOUND “Never pay for anything you can find for free.” I chuckled at that line when Jacob (played by Steven Yeun) tells that to his son David in one of the early scenes in...


RZIM Asia-Pacific to conclude all operations under its current name, plans new ministry

The boards of RZIM Singapore and RZIM Hong Kong released a joint statement today (March 22) that they will “explore the possibility of restructuring and launching an apologetics ministry with a...


“God is always at work”: A missionary in Myanmar sheds light on the deadly crackdown

Sometimes I put off reading the news, for fear of what I might find going on around the world. Take for instance #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar. Isn’t it tiring reading bad news?  On February 1,...


That’s what B.R.O.T.H.E.R.S. are for

It is tragic and heartbreaking to see the rise in incidences of sexual impropriety and immorality today, ranging from voyeurism, sexting, sexual grooming, power abuses for sexual favours,...


Justice begins on our knees

It does not take very long for one to find many forms of injustices all across the world. A simple read of the news today reminds us of the brokenness of this world and of man. This brokenness has...


How not to fall: In the fight against sexual temptation, defence is not enough

The news of Christian leaders’ moral failures, particularly in the area of sexual misconduct, is always a wake-up call for me. As a pastor, it’s a sober reminder to pursue purity and holiness...


8 lessons from the Ravi Zacharias scandal

In the history of Christendom, it is not uncommon to read about prominent ministers who fall from grace. Every time it happens, it is a blow to evangelical believers in many ways. It stumbles the...