
Should worship concerts offer VIP experiences?

Recent weeks have seen considerable furore in the Christian online space concerning the pricing strategies for Hillsong UNITED and Chris Tomlin’s upcoming concert. Tickets for their upcoming US...


Demystifying the Supernatural: Pastor Derek Hong discusses demons and the divine

What does a “spiritual attack” mean? How about “oppression” or “deliverance”? When speaking about the supernatural, terms like these would come up in conversation...


Cyberbullying: When does it cross the line?

I recently heard some alarming statistics. Did you know that a recent study found that half of teenagers in Singapore experience cyberbullying? This figure (52%) came from a global survey that...

Movies & TV

Choosing what we consume: A guide to watching, listening and reading well

Once upon a time, I lived in a world where most of the stuff I watched or listened to was curated for me. The only sermons I had access to were my pastor’s, most of my music was chosen for me by...


Exploring the new frontier: How we started going on digital mission trips

It was February 2020 and Joeyee* had her luggage packed, ready to spend the next one-and-a-half years in Thailand doing mission work.   Her flight ticket was bought and she had said her goodbyes to...

Movies & TV

Squid Game: How much are our lives worth?

* MASSIVE SPOILERS AHEAD. SIGN AWAY YOUR RIGHTS TO A SPOILER-FREE REVIEW FIRST * It’s hard not to watch Squid Game. The setting is immediately straightforward and compelling: a masked, mysterious...


New round of restrictions? Bring it on!

When the Singapore government recently announced a raft of new restrictions dubbed the “Stabilisation Phase” in response to the rising number of COVID-19 cases, you could almost hear the audible...

Movies & TV

Dune (2021): Dreams, destiny and a darn good film

* SPOILERS AHEAD * I can’t think of a director more at the height of his powers right now than Dennis Villeneuve (make sure you pronounce his name correctly to make yourself look smarter in front...


#HACK2021: From disruption to digital missions

“The world may be in lockdown, but the Gospel is not.”  That was our pitch for #HACK2020, but it still holds true today. The missional objective of the Church to make disciples of all nations...