We’re five days into the new year! That’s five solid days of your new year resolutions, lived out and achieved! Good on you for that, really. See, around this time, or maybe a few weeks...
I get it. It’s a new year. And everyone is making resolutions. Yet, we all know, it doesn’t take two weeks before we realise that we’re behind our Bible reading, sabotaging our fitness routine...
Right/Wrong Life/Death Employed/Unemployed Male/Female Yin/Yang Heaven/Hell We live in a world of binaries. Many of our choices in life can be reduced to binaries. To study, or not to study today....
There are some Christmas lyrics that I just can’t make it through. We wait 11 months a year to sing them in church, and when we finally do, they catch right in my throat, and the words can’t come...
How to do cell group worship on Zoom? How to remove ads when playing songs on YouTube? How to find songs that our church sings? These were some of the questions we were asked when the COVID-19...
Friendly neighbourhood warning: Minor spoilers for Spider-Man: No Way Home ahead! Once upon a time, finding out that your favourite movie superheroes existed in the same “universe” was...
It all began last year when God gave two men two different burdens. “I just came out of the circuit breaker and was all ready to share and talk to people about this new project God has given to...
2021 was a big year for video games. As the resident gamers in the Thirst team, your boys Gabriel and Lang thought we’d share what the standout games of the year were to us in line with The Game...
“Prove it or lose it.” This was a phrase that I coined myself at the age of 15, and I had it written on the very last page of my diary. In those ultra-edgy teenage years, I held on to this...