Movies & TV

Movies & TV

Juvenile Justice: What a K-drama taught me about youth crime, justice and mercy

Children are pure and innocent… right? Unless we are talking about the kids in the latest Netflix drama, Juvenile Justice, which is currently sitting at No. 1 in Singapore’s top 10 list....


From desire to distraction: Why I decided to fast from K-drama

For all who have ever spiralled down the endless black hole of Korean dramas, I’m sure you can relate when I say that they are extremely addictive. It probably doesn’t help that I like watching...

Movies & TV

The Tinder Swindler, and our longing to be loved

I suck at relationships. My last experience in a serious relationship left me fearful of commitment and wary of the opposite gender. I spent my years in text-everyday non-relationships… until I...


3 lies I believed about love

As a teenager, I was obsessed with entertainment media. Television series, movies, songs – I would consume them all endlessly.  And as love is one of the most common and popular themes in these...

Movies & TV

The Matrix Resurrections: What happens when we reduce our choices in life into binaries?

Right/Wrong Life/Death Employed/Unemployed Male/Female Yin/Yang Heaven/Hell We live in a world of binaries.  Many of our choices in life can be reduced to binaries. To study, or not to study today....


The Multiverse: An in-depth look into pop culture’s latest fixation

Friendly neighbourhood warning: Minor spoilers for Spider-Man: No Way Home ahead! Once upon a time, finding out that your favourite movie superheroes existed in the same “universe” was...

Movies & TV

Netflix’s Arcane: Lessons on wisdom, change and love

Warning: Spoilers ahead! “In the pursuit of great, we failed to do good.” League of Legends spin-off series Arcane has hit all the right notes with streaming audiences, setting the record as...

Movies & TV

The Wheel of Time: Is it worth your time?

It’s about time. Those were my first thoughts when I heard about the TV series production of The Wheel of Time (WoT). The high fantasy series by Robert Jordan is one of the bestselling fantasy...

Movies & TV

Choosing what we consume: A guide to watching, listening and reading well

Once upon a time, I lived in a world where most of the stuff I watched or listened to was curated for me. The only sermons I had access to were my pastor’s, most of my music was chosen for me by...