For the past few months, we have faced a constant stream of news.

From the chatter on social media platforms to WhatsApp messages on the COVID-19 pandemic, all the images and stories can leave one feeling overwhelmed.

COVID-19 has truly transformed many of our lives in an unimaginable way and on an unprecedented scale. We now have to adjust to working from home and not meeting up with friends, colleagues or family members.

It has shaken some people to the very core and exposed the true nature and durability of the foundations that they have built their lives upon, such as careers, businesses or financial investments.

And just when I was struggling to make sense of the current situation and feeling overwhelmed, I was reminded of a timeless hymn by Edward Mote, who understood the importance of placing our trust in Christ our secure foundation.

The first verse and chorus of the hymn goes like this:

My hope is built on nothing less, Than Jesus’ blood and righteousness;
I dare not trust the sweetest frame, But wholly lean on Jesus’ name…

On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand; All other ground is sinking sand,
All other ground is sinking sand.“

The text of this hymn is packed with grace and truth, revealing the hymn writer’s reflection on his salvation and the price Jesus paid on his behalf.

The chorus refers to the biblical parable, The Wise and Foolish Builders (Matthew 7:24-27), and was constructed around the metaphor of Christ as a rock that withstands any storm.

In the hymn, a physical building’s foundation serves as an analogy for the foundation of a person’s life. Though you may not be able to tell two houses apart by their outward appearance, the foundation hidden below will decide which house will stand when put to the test.

Building our house on God’s Word as the bedrock of the foundation takes time, commitment and energy.

But such a house will withstand any storm that comes, as opposed to a house built on sand which will crumble when exposed to extreme weather.

Storms are a normal part of life. They come and go, and each one of us will face them at some point in time.

For even after the COVID-19 pandemic blows over, there will be other storms like financial setbacks, work pressure, relationship or health issues.

They will come our way, but if we place our trust in Christ, our foundation will stand firm when built in Him.

With more time on our hands because of COVID-19, let’s take a moment to examine our lives.

If we have been building our foundation on sand, let us take time and start pouring God’s Word into the foundation underneath us and our family.

Let us build our lives on Christ the solid foundation by:

  • Surrendering and entrusting our lives to Him
  • Obeying Him
  • Reading the Bible and having our quiet time with Him

Jesus is the Rock that will not move or budge, and He is in control. His truth is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.

This article was first published on Yio Chu Kang Chapel’s website and is republished with permission.

  1. What is the biggest way that COVID-19 has affected you?
  2. What are the foundations of your life? What do you fall back on in times of trouble?
  3. What is one practical way you can begin building your life on the Solid Rock?