“Don’t come in first, it’s a mess!” yells Chu Yin, as she rushes into her little studio to clean up. A Bangladeshi man follows her in. Wordlessly, he picks up a broom and begins to sweep the...
In November, Pastor Bobby Chaw of City Harvest Church preached a message on how to resolve bitterness caused by unfaithfulness. He gave the example of Anna, who was betrayed by her first boyfriend....
Valentine’s Day is coming up this week. Social media is going to be flooded with sweet-nothings and public declarations of love and appreciation. It’s easy, if you’re single, to...
A recent study by the Institute of Policy Studies revealed a new “social class divide” in Singapore: Those from different housing backgrounds (private housing vs HDB flats) and education...
Do you remember your first plane ride? I was terrified on mine. I recall how the engines rumbled as the plane began accelerating on the runway. I remember feeling a mix of anticipation and dread in...
Do you remember the last thing God did for you? I know that journaling isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. But if we intentionally perceive and remember what God has done in our lives, we will grow...
Here’s my life-long problem: I find it easy to start something … But I’m terrible at following through with it. When I was still in primary school, “還珠格格” [My...
She asked me, “How do you love God more than your boyfriend?” It was a good question – one I hadn’t thought about since I accepted Christ eight years ago. My friend continued: “I mean,...
“Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good; Blessed is the man who trusts in Him!” (Psalm 34:8) This verse caught my eye during quiet time recently. I especially liked how it encourages...