Articles by

Roy Tay


This world has nothing for you

Ever had someone ask you what’s your five-year plan? Or how about if you’re financially stable? Are you ready to start a family? Really, what are you striving for? What is the purpose of...


So what if my S/O isn’t Christian?

While I’ve been single for most of my life, I’ve been infatuated with numerous women before. Now because some of these women weren’t Christian, I was tempted to ask God, “So...


Do you want to be extraordinary?

“How many of you believe that God can do extraordinary things?” This was a question that Loren Cunningham, founder of Youth With A Mission (YWAM), once asked a group of youths. Every...


4 ways you might be reading the Bible wrongly

One big reason why people don’t really read their Bibles, is because they don’t understand what’s going on. So we tend to give up, and swap genuine revelation for easier things like...


Weddings are nice, but it’s the marriage that counts

“…I take you to be my spouse, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do...


Remember the real enemy

I saw the Hunger Games movie recently. There’s a scene where Katniss aims her bow at Finnick – certain that she will hit her mark. Everything in her is telling her to let the arrow fly. But...


How can I be a better leader?

Here is my one foundational belief when I think about leadership. As Christians, we don’t have the luxury to lead however we like. We must lead by following Jesus’ example of...


There’s no such thing as "other half"

Did you know that the concept of having an “other half” stems from Greek mythology? The concise version of the story is that Zeus feared humans (originally four-legged and four-armed)...


“You are not a humanitarian”: The heart and purpose of missions

“Therefore go …” These two words have been the bedrock (Matthew 28:19) of the missional church today. I have been affiliated with several mission organisations: Cru Singapore (CRU),...