Articles by

Nicolette Kum

Studies & NS

What does doing my best in school look like?

Whenever exam season is around the corner, the air begins to be filled with constant declarations of “just do your best”. In these moments, I find myself stuck with a nagging thought: What...

Studies & NS

Blurred boundaries: How can we navigate grey areas while living on campus?

As a bright-eyed freshman, staying in hall seemed like the “must do” on everyone’s university bucket list. So you can imagine my joy when I got offered a spot. Entering university...


Struggling under my toxic boss, prayer turned things around

Maybe I did something wrong. I’ll try again next time. Such were the thoughts I had when the relationship between me and my boss first turned sour a few months into my job. At that time, I had...


University: How this introvert learned to thrive on campus

I am an introvert. At parties, I can usually be found in the corner away from the crowd. In school, I keep to a close-knit group of friends that I can truly be myself around. If possible, I avoid...

Do Good

How this shy 21-year-old learnt to befriend migrant workers

When I was 15, my route back from school always involved alighting at a bus stop, before winding past a few houses back to my apartment.  There was a house under construction then, and on the daily...

Studies & NS

What’s it like staying in hall? 4 undergraduates share insights from their dorm days

Staying on campus can be fun, but it doesn’t come without its fair share of difficulties.  For undergraduates looking to glorify God and represent Christ in dorm life, unique challenges abound...


Evangelism as a lifestyle: Ordinary Christians, extraordinary stories

Evangelism. To encourage you in living out the Great Commission, here are five stories of ordinary believers who obeyed the call to share the Gospel. Note that “success” or...

Money Matters

FIRE: Finance professionals weigh in on hustle culture, nest eggs and why we work

FIRE, short for “Financial Independence, Retire Early”, is an enticing concept that has taken the world by storm for a while now. I listened to a recent Channel NewsAsia podcast on this...

Studies & NS

Back to school? 5 ways to make the most of a fresh start

From a young age, I’ve always loved the start of a new school year for a few… frivolous reasons. It meant that I had an excuse to change my school bag or shoes, if I persuaded my parents...