Articles by

Kenneth Chew


Faith and feminism: A love-hate affair

There exists no universal moral law that upholds women’s rights – or anyone’s rights for that matter. The moral claim that we should uphold women’s rights stems from the...


At the gym, working out my idols

So, brothers, in whatever condition each was called, there let him remain with God. (1 Corinthians 7:24) A friend recently accused me of idolatry. The hour I spent every day at the gym...

Finding Purpose

Why on Earth are you here? Why are you here on Earth?

The answer: Redemption. You, in spite of your imperfections and shortcomings, are God’s vessel to renew a broken world. The Bible reveals original created nature to be “very good” (Genesis...


Are we defending the faith, or defending ourselves?

February the 15th commemorates the anniversary of the British’s surrender to the Japanese in 1942. Total Defence represents Singapore’s comprehensive defence strategy, relying not merely on...


Apologetics: More than the defence of your faith

Raise a voice. Fly a flag. Sign a petition. March. Behold, the rise of the modern apologetics movement. These days it’s easy to learn to address issues on suffering, science, philosophy and...


THIR.ST TALKS: Veteran Valentines share their secrets on how to make a marriage last

With increasing divorce rates, older marriages and fewer people opting for marriage, young couples may approach Valentine’s Day with weariness and trepidation. It seems ever harder for a...


Loving our neighbour means caring for the environment

Without truth, our love is superficial and unintentionally destructive. Same applies in love of the environment. Here’s the truth: Every week, multitudes of churchgoers step out of...

Mental Health

The privilege of the bleeding heart

I write this to every bleeding heart called to the tall order of redemption. Blessed are the poor in spirit … To live in spiritual poverty. To live on scraps. To continually hunger and thirst....


If you can’t defend your faith, who will?

Why do you believe? Maybe it’s all you know. From a tender age you found yourself in an environment of Sunday school, action songs, and beautiful friendships. Somewhere along the way, you invited...