Articles by

Helene Tian


How to pray from the Psalms

Did you know that many of today’s worship songs are inspired by the Psalms? For instance, Everything That Has Breath is from Psalm 150. Whom Shall I Fear borrows from Psalms 27 and 84 –...


Learning to let go

I’m a control freak. I’ve always wanted things to go according to plan, and to make sure it does, I’m usually the one who makes a conscious effort to plan meet-ups with friends....


Why it’s important to face your doubts

Ever felt stupid to ask a question? Like, “I’m probably the only one who doesn’t know …” Growing up, I’ve always been intimidated by the thought of having to raise...


Do you deserve love?

Ever heard the quote, “We accept the love we think we deserve?” Well, it comes from the “The Perks of Being a Wallflower”, a best-selling novel by Stephen Chbosky. To me, the book explains...


A tribute to Mum: There are 5 of us, but we’re all Number 1 to you

If you asked me who’s the strongest woman I know, I’d point to my mother. By 36, she was a mother to 5 girls — and having 5 children doesn’t come cheap. My mother sacrificed her figure to...


What if I’m not interested in anything?

For the first 16 years of my life, I lived with little fulfilment and purpose. Life was simply a long list of to-do’s. Friends were simply there to fill up free time. Extra-curricular...


If you died today, what would your life amount to?

“Tony* has passed on peacefully, thank you for your prayers.” Upon receiving the WhatsApp notification of yet another passing this morning, I couldn’t bring myself to send another message of...


The danger of pride

It took quite some time for me to realise how big a problem pride had become in my life. I suppose it started with the little things: Serving actively in Church and elsewhere in a Christian...


In trying to be a friend, I let myself be emotionally manipulated

I grew up with love stories. When I was younger, it was about how true love made a mermaid abandon her home for a prince.  When I was older, it was the Korean dramas which showed how true love...