Articles by

Gabriel Ong


The double life of a mission tripper

One thing about missions trips that I find beautiful is the simplicity of being. What I mean is, life becomes simple in a holy way: All that matters each day is that we accomplish a work for God โ€”...


In sickness and in health

I fell pretty sick on Labour Day. I still remember it was a Tuesday morning, and I was furiously taking notes at Momentum 2018. I had already been feeling a little unwell โ€“ dry throat โ€“ the night...


Is your faith more than just good feels?

Do you remember the moment when you accepted Christ into your heart? Think back with me to where it all began: Were you saved in a stadium bathed in lights? Or did it occur in the quiet of your own...


How to build your personal prayer altar: Suzette Hattingh at Momentum 2018

“If we donโ€™t have a personal revival, we cannot be part of a national revival,โ€ Dr Suzette Hattingh declared at Momentum 2018 on May 1. Speaking about the need for Singaporeans to rebuild...


Are you praying stock prayers?

Prayer wasn’t always close to my heart. The logic I lived by for quite some time was that since God knows everything already, why bother saying so much? It wasn’t until I began praying...


Why we don’t call home more often

You may have heard this verse before, “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” And we thank God that it is true. But when I read the verse, I also think of how...


Why am I always tired in ministry?

I’ve been thinking about this question for quite some time now. There are the occasional gaps of time that allow for some breathing room, but I inevitably feel spent. A couple of days ago, I...


Your first calling is to be a friend of God

“Worship is the highest form of service.ย In Hebrew, one word to describe the act of blessing is ‘barak‘. “It is to humble and prostrate yourself โ€” like a dog coming to lick...


Are you content to be nameless?

Do you do thankless or nameless work? That’s work that’s behind the scenes โ€” like in the back-end of the office or the engine-room. It’s tedious work, and there’s a fair...