Articles by

Gabriel Ong


Why you need discipline this year

Today, I want to talk about discipline. DISCIPLINE TO DO “Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last, but we do it to get a crown...


Remembering the 1978 Billy Graham Crusade, Part 3: Hope for the next generation

The year 1978 saw Singapore’s largest evangelistic campaign in living memory. The Singapore Billy Graham Crusade, held from December 6 to 10 that year, saw about 20,000 Singaporeans who came...


Remembering the 1978 Billy Graham Crusade, Part 2: A church united

The year 1978 saw Singapore’s largest evangelistic campaign in living memory. The Singapore Billy Graham Crusade, held from December 6 to 10 that year, saw about 20,000 Singaporeans who came...


Remembering the 1978 Billy Graham Crusade, Part 1: The men who planned the Crusade

The year 1978 saw Singapore’s largest evangelistic campaign in living memory. The Singapore Billy Graham Crusade, held from December 6 to 10 that year, saw about 20,000 Singaporeans who came...


Feeling desperate? Worship is the answer

Think about all the things you’re struggling with today. What would happen if I asked you to take a step back from the problems and worries … And worshipped? Have you ever thought to do...


Seeing the heart

When I was a young boy, my father told me three words that have always stayed with me: See the heart. That didn’t mean a lot to me initially, but Dad helped me make sense of things. He...


How to fight well in a relationship

Before we got together as a couple, Cheryl and I had known each for almost a decade. In all those years as friends, we were amicable on the whole. And after a period of exclusive dating, when we got...


40 years after Billy Graham, Singapore needs a new holy desperation: Lawrence Khong at PraySingapore

“How desperate are we for another historic revival?” Pastor Lawrence Khong – the closing speaker at PraySingapore on October 7, 2018 – began his segment by showing a video of Billy...


You deserve God’s best

Two years ago, without fully knowing that I had feelings for her, my best friend of 11 years invited me to go to a Christian seminar on dating with her. I sat beside her awkwardly, waiting in tepid...