Articles by

Gabriel Ong


If Good Friday was a movie, then Jesus Christ would be its protagonist

Having seen dozens of reruns, almost everyone would know the hero’s story by now. The Son of God came to a fallen world in the form of a man. Born of virgin birth, He ministered and then died...


Notre-Dame fire: Losing a beautiful treasure

I was surfing the web when I came across the sad news. On the evening of 15 April 2019, the Notre-Dame tragically caught fire. The raging fire destroyed the spire and oakwood roof of the 856-year-old...


Passion Week: Why does Palm Sunday matter?

When I was a teenager in my old church, I remember noticing how the Sunday School kids would wave around palm leaves once a year on a Sunday morning. I never knew what that was about. I just assumed...


No More Hiding: TheEDGE unleashes an anthem of freedom

In a season of prayer and fasting for our church, I asked God what are some of the problems our generation faces. God began to open my heart and show me the times in my life when I was struggling but...

Real Life, Real People

I wanted to tell my dad how much I hated him

I’m going to tell you a story about a 11-year-old boy who woke up one day and just wanted to die. Have you ever felt lonely? That’s how I felt growing up. I was brought up on a farm in the state...

Surveys & Reports

Singapore, we have a porn problem

“If you marry someone who watches pornography, you can kiss your intimacy goodbye. Because there’s not a woman in Singapore that can compete with porn.” This sobering statement was...


Should I fast from social media?

I have a crazy relationship with social media. It’s a lot of fun for someone who appreciates aesthetics. Filter presets, newsfeed curation and options for beautiful Instagram story layouts are...


Lent is here, should I care?

What is Lent? Honestly, before I wrote this article, I didn’t actually know. Was it a second chance at self-denial since, by now, most of us would have messed up our New Year’s...


What’s the point of church?

“The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.” (John 1:14) Do you...