Articles by

Gabriel Ong


Please Lord, can I have 50 more Father’s Days?

What should I say about Sunday, my 11th anniversary of celebrating Father’s Day as a dad? After all, it’s an unfinished journey, so maybe I should wait a few more years to say something...

Studies & NS

Grades don’t define your future

The year is 2004. We’re seated in the school hall, and I’ve just received my PSLE score from Mrs Siti. Is 199 a good number?  I look up from the laminated sheet of paper to the sight of...


What is your life built on?

For the past few months, we have faced a constant stream of news. From the chatter on social media platforms to WhatsApp messages on the COVID-19 pandemic, all the images and stories can leave one...


The circuit breaker, a blessing for my family

I don’t come from a picture-perfect family. We’re an average middle class family who have our arguments. My parents’ relationship isn’t the best, and it’s also strained the...


The World of the Married: When a loving spouse turns into your greatest enemy

How does a loving relationship dissolve into one filled with hatred and resentment? This is the question at the heart of The World of the Married, the recently concluded K-drama that has been keeping...


What’s the first thing you want to do when the circuit breaker ends?

That that’s the number one question that’s been going around lately, especially since the circuit breaker is coming to a close. I’ve heard some of my friends’ answers, and...

National Service

When my command school dreams were suddenly crushed

The disruptive COVID-19 season has certainly been a disappointing and frustrating period for most of us, with many of the plans we had for the year being written off. Even as I write this, I will be...


Salvom, my friend from Chennai

As Singapore grapples with the ballooning outbreak in migrant worker dormitories, we’ve been given a rude awakening to the kind of dilapidated conditions and inequalities our migrant workers...


Wash your hands

This is the instruction that we are given every day since the start of this terrible COVID-19 pandemic. Washing our hands is one of the important actions that all of us must strictly observe to stem...