Articles by

Gabriel Ong


How to walk in God’s promises and wait for them

Growing up in the Christian faith, I wouldn’t say I’m unfamiliar with the promises of God. We sing about them, hear them being preached, and even pray about them countless times. To me, the...


Curious and confused, I challenged God repeatedly

Growing up, I was strongly averse to the Christian community.  I was happy being who I was and doing what I did since birth, worshipping whatever I worshipped. I just wanted to be me and to be left...


When I found out my mum had cancer… again

5 March 2017. It was a Wednesday evening, and I had decided to take a GrabCar home from school in order to make it back on time for dinner with my parents. Mum hadn’t been feeling well for the past...


That’s what B.R.O.T.H.E.R.S. are for

It is tragic and heartbreaking to see the rise in incidences of sexual impropriety and immorality today, ranging from voyeurism, sexting, sexual grooming, power abuses for sexual favours,...


Loving nice people is easy. But what about not-so-nice people?

One of the most-talked-about subjects of the Bible is love. In fact, Jesus said that we identify ourselves as His disciples through the way we love people. We don’t prove who we are by the...

Studies & NS

My path wasn’t clear after polytechnic, but God led the way

As an architecture student in polytechnic, my dream was to study overseas. My parents also desired for me to go overseas. I was planning to go after I graduated. I was applying for universities...

Studies & NS

Living as a soldier of Jesus Christ, in NS and beyond

Every person’s two years in National Service (NS) will be different. No longer trapped within the confines of the education system, you’ll find yourself with a newfound independence. But if...


8 lessons from the Ravi Zacharias scandal

In the history of Christendom, it is not uncommon to read about prominent ministers who fall from grace. Every time it happens, it is a blow to evangelical believers in many ways. It stumbles the...

Studies & NS

Survive and thrive: Making the most of my National Service

Most people say that every Singaporean son goes into National Service (NS) a boy and comes out a man. Some say that NS is a void, and others still just shrug their tired shoulders and utter, as if it...