I attended a panel at last week’s Samaritans of Singapore (SOS) Symposium 2021 that centred on safety in digital media, especially when it comes to mental health and suicide risk among users....
A few years ago, Joseph Chean was tasked to close a national prayer event with a segment on missions. At the Day of His Power, the National Director of YWAM Singapore made an altar call for...
With the arrival of the COVID vaccines, there seemed to be hope that life would return to normal. I myself jumped at the opportunity to be vaccinated as I wanted the freedom to travel abroad again....
Whenever I ask a friend, “How are you doing?”, I’ll most likely get the reply: “Busy lor. Tired.” We Singaporeans are a busy and tired lot, and a recent study by a UK bedding manufacturer...
It’s been all over the news in recent days so you would have probably seen the reports about China’s latest crackdown: games. Well, games, tech and education, to be more precise. Earlier...
One evening, as an introductory question to our Bible study session, our happily married leader asked the singles in our group to share why we were still single. The answers thrown out were along the...
You’ve probably heard before that teaching is a profession that transforms the next generation. But few like me would have the privilege of seeing how teaching transforms the teacher. I am married...
I was born and raised in a Christian home with parents who brought me to church and Sunday School every week. I had heard stories from the Bible and about Jesus from a young age. I grew up attending...
It was two weeks before the wedding and everything was running like clockwork — just as how Jacob and Jaclyn Lau had expected. Renovations for their new home were underway. Jaclyn’s elder sister,...